Stand Up Paddle dubai


A Stand up Paddle (SUP) expedition with Luxury Tours is a fantastic way to get away from the busy city environment and spend some enjoyable, quiet time in Dubai’s sparkling waters. The best part is that you can take a separate paddleboat session to independently explore the region’s amazing views at your own speed.

With a little instruction and safety advice from our experienced staff, you can mount your SUP board and begin paddling down the calm ocean while taking in the revitalizing and recognizable vistas along Dubai’s coastline. To participate in this activity, you must be at least 16 years old and have swimming ability.

Contrary to its name, a SUP board can be used to paddle while crouching down, sitting, or even standing up straight. For a novice, the entire procedure could seem a bit difficult. But after a few tries and, of course, with the expert guidance of a helpful guide, you’ll be able to easily balance and splash around the calm waters for an hour.

Our guided Stand Up Paddle tour is sure to live up to your expectations while catering to adventure lovers and sightseers alike. Whether you want to enjoy a dose of fresh air while on vacation in Dubai or just want to give your arms, abs, and legs a toned-down body workout, our tour is sure to live up to your imagination.

  • Daily
  • 60 Minutes (Approx)
  • English

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